
Emma loved Bill with all her heart, or almost all. He was wealthy, he had proposed and she knew life, as Mrs Bill would be glamorous and secure. He was a Capricorn who had climbed to the top of the business world.
She was a Libra, stylish, very beautiful. She loved the look of admiration in women’s eyes when she arrived on his arm, wearing the fabulous emeralds he gave her for Christmas. Some whispered she was marrying for money. And, in her Libra way, she had weighed the options, taken her time. She had targeted Bill first, then fallen in love. He was the rock her life needed.
Part of her still hungered for variety, for adventure. Yet she smiled, was flattered when Bill gave her the keys to a flat he’d found for her. It came complete with security guards. “You’ll be safe here while I’m in New York.”
Safe? The adventure began on the night she moved in. A power-cut, and she, literally, bumped into one of the guards. When the lights came on, a dagger of desire cut into her heart. He was 6ft 5in of prime hunk.
She would make him her last, pre-wedding adventure, Emma decided. He did not disappoint her. The next morning she was groggy with pleasure. Later, she placed a picture of Bill by her bed and giggled. If only he knew …
Bill already did. The male Capricorn, the zodiac strongman, can find it hard to believe he is loved. So Bill, using the principles he would in business, checked her out. The specially selected security man reported right back to Bill.
Emma, the wedding cancelled, moved back to her old flat. It was bare, except for a leftover Christmas cracker. The motto inside read “Those who marry for money must earn every penny.”